Contoh percakapan Bellboy dengan Tamu- Conversation between Guest and Bellboy

Hi, I'd like to share the material about conversation between Guest and Bellboy as below:

(Bellboy same with porter.)


(Saat tamu baru sampai di hotel, dan bellboy/porter membantu untuk membawakan barang bawaann tamu)

B: Good Morning sir/ ma'am, welcome to Glamour Hotel, I am Eka as a porter. may i take care of your luggages please.

G: Sure of course.

(Double check jumlah barang bawaan tamu dan pastikan lagi ke tamu jumlah barang bawaannya dan kondisinya, tidak lupa untuk menanyakan nama tamu terlebih dahulu untuk mempermudah pengisian luggage tag)

B: Excusme sir/ma'am, you have 2 suite cases with good condition, is that correct?

G: Yes that is correct.

B: May i have your name please?

G: Sure, i am Laura Smith.

(Setelah mengetahui nama tamu lalu lengkapi luggage tag dan arahkan tamu untuk registrasi ke Reception)

B: Certainly Ms. Smith, Could you come to the reception counter please? In this way please.( sambil menunjukan arah ke reception)

G: Oh, Thanks.

(sesampainnya di Reception Counter)

B: Here is the reception counter please Ms. Smith. 

G: Thank you.

( sesudahnya tamu melakukan registrasi)

B:  Excusme Ms. Smith, may i know your room number please?

G: My room number is 1305..

B: Sure,  i will escort you to the room number 1305. Follow me please.

(sebelumnya lengkapi luggage tag terlebih dahulu dengan menuliskan nomor kamar)

G: Sure. Thanks

(dalam perjalanan tidak lupa bellboy menjelaskan fasilitas hotel )

B: May i explain the hotel facilities please Ms. Smith?

G: Yes of course.

B: In our hotel we have a restaurant in ground floor, in front of the swimming pool. The restaurant name’s Pandawa restaurant. You may have breakfast in there, breakfast time start 6 am to 10 am. We have gym also if you want to exercise, the gym start 6 am to 9 pm, if you want to treatment your body we have also Salila SPA. The Salila SPA start 9 am to 9 pm. We have 2 swimming pools here, in front of Pandawa restaurant and in the back of our hotel. The last one we have business center open 24 hours.

(sesampainya di depan kamar tamu)

B: alright Ms. Smith, here is your room 1305. May I have the key please.

G: Sure, here you are..

(sebelumnya membuka pintu tamu tidak lupa untuk knock the door first and say “bellboy please” lalu buka pintu secara perlahan hidupkan lampu dan buka curtain setelah itu persilahkan tamu masuk terlebih dahulu. )

B: you may first Ms. Smith.

G: Oh thanks.

(setelah meletakkan luggage tamu di atas luggage rack, lalu explain room facilities)

B: Excusme Ms. Smith, May I explain the room facilities please?

G: Oh, yes please.

B: Alright Ms. Smith. In the room we provide telephone with IDD caller, balcony offer looking to the garden, air conditioner with self control, mini bar, if consume the minibar please fill the form and you can pay at last your stay in our hotel, we have television with international channel, safety box, bathroom with hot and cool water and the last you get 2 bottles of mineral water every day.

G: Awesome!

B: Is there anything else that I can help you Ms. Smith?

G: No, thanks that’s very clear

B: Sure, Please do not hesitate to contact us  if you need amy assistance with dial number 0 . have a nice day.

G: Thank you so much. You too.


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