How to Improve Your English Speaking Skills in 1 Year

Good afternoon my beloved friends, i have tips to improve your English speaking skills in 1 year. So, There are two main things you need to do.

1. Make a plan.

2. Execute the plan.

Well, first of all you need to plan all of your English studying. It is no use just thinking I will study English today at some point. This is no plan at all.

-You need a strategy.

Thebest way to do that is to use Google calendar and schedule all of you studying there. 

-You can not just type in English Study that is not enough.

You need to select times for all the English skills such as reading, listening, writing and speaking. You could also allocate a time for English vocabulary.

-Learn All English Skills

I understand that you want to improve your English speaking. But all the skills benefit each other. You cannot really separate any of them. Also, there is no output without input. And for English speaking, the input comes via reading and listening.So, practice these skills too. Make a time in your schedule for each skill and practise these. This will all help you with your spoken English.

-Read Everything

You should build a solid habit of reading. Reading will help you build your English vocabulary which will in turn help you with your English speaking. Read everything. Read books, novels, the news, blogs, magazines… Read anything you want.But you must make note of all new vocabulary. 

-Build Your Vocabulary

You have to do this. It is essential. Get a notebook and write the words ENGLISH VOCABULARY on the front of it. Every time you read anything, you should have your notebook beside you. These are the steps you must follow every time: find a new word in your reading,write it down in your notebook,look up the meaning of the word in your dictionary,write the meaning down in your notebook,think of a sentence of your own using the new word,write the sentence down in your notebook, Follow these steps religiously every time. Your vocabulary will grow and grow and you will be able to express yourself more clearly in speaking.

-Use English You Know

You must know some English already. You must start to use that ALL THE TIME. Start speaking out loud all the phrases and sentences that you know. The more you do this, the more confident you will become in speaking English.

-Learn Collocations

Collocations are phrases in English. Words that just naturally go together. For example

take a shower, go running, make a cup of tea, speak kindly, work hard, sleep soundly. Find as many English collocations as you can in your reading and anywhere else you might find them. Make a note of them in your vocabulary notebook, then start using them all the time. This will make your English sound more natural and fluent.

-Sing English Songs

You can find most English songs on YouTube. Look for English songs you like on YouTube. Then click on subtitles – now you have all the words to the song too! Learn English songs and sing them out loud. This is how children learn things too. It can work for you very well.

-The Shadowing Technique

This is a great technique where you recite entire texts in English. 

-Learn with Friends

Studying English by yourself can become dull. Start an English group with your friends or classmates and speak English together. Choose a topic to talk about and try to speak only in English about that topic.These are just some of the ideas I can think of to help you improve your English in one year. It takes some work and commitment but it can be done!

Well, thats all some tips that i have to share. I hope it will may usefull. Thank you.


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