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Showing posts from December, 2020
Idiom bahasa inggris yang sering digunakan sehari-hari
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Hai, apa kabar? Ini beberapa idiom yang sering saya gunakan. Kalau kalian sering gunakan idiom yang mana? Langsung saja ya👇 -Spill The Tea Sebelumnya mohon maaf, saya termasuk salah satu wanita yang gak bisa ditutup- tutipi (alias kepo😂), kalau ada temen mulai "Eh eh tau gak sih", saya akan auto "Kenapa ini, spill the tea, siss!!". Spill the tea disini artinya bukan "tumpahkan tehnya" tetapi semacam "kasih tau dong", begitu. - My Cup of Tea Dan lagi-lagi teh. Yang kali ini artinya semacam "ah ini kesukaan saya" atau saya sering memakainya apabila ada hal yang saya rasa cocok sama saya dan saya suka itu akan saya pakai. " Okay, this is my cup of tea." Tapi jika dipikir pikir saya lebih sering memakai " Not my cup of tea", karena ketika menolak sesuatu agar terdengar lebih halus saya sering memakai itu. -A piece of cake Ungkapan yang satu ini maksudnya bukan tentang makanan ya, tapi disini maksudnya adalah "ses...
How to Improve Your English Speaking Skills in 1 Year
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Good afternoon my beloved friends, i have tips to improve your English speaking skills in 1 year. So, There are two main things you need to do. 1. Make a plan. 2. Execute the plan. Well, first of all you need to plan all of your English studying. It is no use just thinking I will study English today at some point. This is no plan at all. -You need a strategy. Thebest way to do that is to use Google calendar and schedule all of you studying there. -You can not just type in English Study that is not enough. You need to select times for all the English skills such as reading, listening, writing and speaking. You could also allocate a time for English vocabulary. -Learn All English Skills I understand that you want to improve your English speaking. But all the skills benefit each other. You cannot really separate any of them. Also, there is no output without input. And for English speaking, the input comes via reading and listening.So, practice these skills too. Make a time in your sc...
Pertanyaan dan Respon Interview Kerja Dalam Bahasa Inggris, Dijamin Diterima
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Hi sahabat - sahabatku, apa kabar? Semoga dalam keadaan sehat dan baik - baik saja ya. Well, kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi mengenai beberapa pertanyaan yang sering diberikan saat interview kerja, berserta respon yang harus kalian gunakan, dijamin kalian lolos interview deh. Langsung saja ya disimak!👇 Q: Question A: Answer Q: Good afternoon, what is your name? A: Good afternoon ma'am/sir, my name is (............). Q: Why did you apply for this job? A: It's a great privilege for anyone to work in a reputed company like yours. Q: What is your strength? A: My strength are i am a fast learner and a great team player. Q: What is your weakness? A: Well, unfortunately, i concentrate on one thing at a time. Q: Why should we hire you? A: If you hire me, it would be a great platform to showcase my skills. Q: What are your expectation for this job? A: My expectation for this job are professional advancement and a good future. Thank you. Sekian yang dapat saya bagikan s...